Configuring Your Emlid Reach as a Network Rover in Emlid Flow

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Here we will walk through configuring your Emlid Reach RS2 or RS3 as a network rover receiving corrections using NTRIP of Bluetooth. This method is what we recommend for the majority of users to have the smoothest experience with their equipment. This allows you to use the cell connection of your phone or simply connect your device to a mobile hotspot to establish the connection to your NTRIP corrections.

Configuring an Emlid Reach RS2 as network rover with Emlid Flow 

To receive our NTRIP corrections over Bluetooth, our data collector will need to have internet access. You may connect to your phone’s hotspot to accomplish this but you can also use a cell-enabled data collector or a SIM card installed in your RS2 itself. In Emlid Flow, under your connected receiver, Click Correction input and select NTRIP over Bluetooth. Then select the network you would like to receive your corrections from. If this is your first time using an NTRIP network, you will need to add the network and input your credentials for it. The next optional step is to Click Base output and select Off to avoid any confusion later on.  

You will begin receiving corrections and the ‘Float’ in the top right corner will change to a ‘Fix.’ Now that you have your fix, you can begin collecting points. Click Survey at the bottom of the screen, start a Project and Click the add (+) icon. Then you will be given options for naming your point as well as settings for your pole height and the averaging of your point. Double check to make sure your pole height is correct and Save your point. To collect more accurate data, you can average out your point by selecting the gear icon to get into your survey Settings. Select Timer to decide how long you would like to average each point. By default, you RS2+ will average at a rate of 5 Hz, meaning every second it will collect 5 points that the receiver sees in that second. For example, at 5 seconds, you will be averaging 25 points.  

Configuring RS2 to work with 3rd Party Data Collectors over Bluetooth 

Now that we know we can collect points in Emlid Flow, a slight change is needed to use your network rover with 3rd party data collectors. Change your Correction Input to Bluetooth which will allow you to configure your NTRIP network inside your 3rd party app. Go to Settings, select Bluetooth, and make sure Discoverability in ON to ensure the 3rd party app can connect to your receiver.  

You can receive NTRIP corrections to your rover over BT, with a hotspot, or with a SIM card. The correction input can be over Serial or TCP. Your Emlid Reach RS2+/RS3 rover can also be used for PPK processing.