Emlid Flow Free vs Emlid Flow +Survey
Prepare in the office > Survey in the field > Review in the office
Free Features
Emlid Flow | <Software> | Emlid Flow 360 |
iOS, Android | <Platform> | Any web browser |
Configure and manage Reach devices | Prepare and manage projects | |
Set up base and rover | Instantly share data between field and office | |
Log raw data for post-processing | Always have a backup of your work | |
Survey in the field |
With a free Emlid account you will have: Full control of Emlid Receivers, a Built-in NTRIP Client, Raw data logging, NMEA position output, project management and sync, point collection and stakeout, Emlid's coordinate system library, base shift, and the ability to export and import to CSV, DXF, SHP, and KML file types.
Main Features:
Base Shift:
+Survey Subscription Features
With a +Survey subscription you will have all of the features of a free account plus: localization, line work, survey codes, inverse & traverse, satellite maps, WMS/WMTS layers, auto-collect, collect rules, surfaces, and stakeout reports.
Staking Surfaces:
Inverse, Traverse, Auto-Collect: