Emlid Troubleshooting Guide | No FIX with RS2 or RS3 with LoRa Corrections

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This video will walk you through a troubleshooting process that will check the most common issues that arise when you are unable to get a FIX solution with your Emlid Reach RS3 or RS2+ base and rover communicating over the internal LoRa radios. 

First, check to see if you are getting any corrections at all in the Corrections window of the Status screen. If you are not receiving any corrections, confirm that your antenna is connected and check if your frequencies match. For example, my rover is expecting 902 Mhz at 9.11 kb/s so now we need to connect to the base to see what's happening. In the Base output screen, we need to correct the frequency to 902 Mhz. Going back to the Rover, let's check the status of our corrections. We are receiving corrections now, but our Baseline is telling us its 56 km away when in reality it is only a few feet away. There seems to be an issue with our base markers so we will check the Base settings of our base. Under Coordinate entry method, I need to change Manual to Average FIX. If you have a known point, I would recommend using Manual, but if you have NTRIP corrections for your base, I would recommend Average FIX. I would recommend Average Single in any other case.  

Now that my base has an accurate base marker my rover is able to get a FIX solution. If you have any other technical issues with your Emlid Reach RS3 or RS2+ base and rover please contact support@E38Surveysolutions.com.