Using the Upgraded OPUS-S Beta

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Below is a quick tutorial on using NOAA OPUS-S Beta with Emlid Reach receivers such as the RS2+ and the RS3With this Beta you can now process OPUS solutions with GPS, Galileo, Beidou, and Glonass constellations on the NGS webpage. Due to limited BETA server resources, please restrict submission to no more than 10 files at a time. 

Before you start your static collection, configure Logging to be optimized for the upgraded OPUS. Within your receiver’s Logging tab, select the Settings icon. Under Raw data, Custom should be selected. Click Show configuration. Confirm the Logging interval is 30 s and that GPS, Glonass, Galileo, and BeiDou are all selected under Satellite systems. It is recommended to Backup source data for RINEX. This will create a separate UBX file with all constellations at a full array that you can use elsewhere. Click Apply.  

Set up your base over a point for collection. The OPUS-S Beta requires a file under 60 MB within an observation that is at least 2 hours but not more than 48 hours long, recorded in RINEX version 2 or 3 or in another raw data format.  

On the OPUS beta website, upload your data log that you downloaded from your receiver. Navigate to the observation file found in the RINEX folder with the file extension 24O and select Open. Search for your receiver in the antenna selection box. Input the pole height of your base in the antenna height box. Enter the email address that will receive the solution. Select which constellations to use and the format for your results. You can also choose specific base station you want to Use or Exclude from the calculations as well as the state plane coordinates you want to see the solution in. You can let OPUS automatically select those parameters as well. Click Upload to Static when you are ready to submit. Then you should see a screen that confirms your successful upload.  

When you receive your OPUS solution in your email, OPUS will give you your base’s point in NAD_83 and ITRF2014 coordinates as well as your selected state plane and corresponding UTM zone coordinates. Along with your point, you are given information on the base stations used. 

The OPUS-S Beta is the first major update to OPUS-S in years. The key improvement is support for multi-GNSS; processing static baselines with data from multiple constellations via