Mavic 3 Multispectral Data
The Mavic 3 Multispectral includes a 20 MP RGB camera with a 4/3 sensor, the same as on the Mavic 3 Enterprise. Every M3M includes an RTK Module. Combining the RTK Module and the 20 MP camera enables the M3M to achieve high accuracy 2D and 3D data. The Mavic 3M is suitable for a wide range of surveying and construction needs. In our accuracy test the Mavic 3 with 20 MP camera achieved horizontal accuracies under an inch, and vertical accuracies under a tenth.
The Mavic 3 Enterprise includes the zoom camera as a secondary sensor. The Mavic 3 Multispectral includes 5 cameras in total. It includes the 20 MP RGB camera mentioned above, and 4 single band sensors at 5 MP per sensor. Those bands are green, red, red edge, and near infrared. With these sensor you can calculate different indices. including NDVI, NDRE, GNDVI. This added information can help in a range of situations: early weed emergence, crop health, and even locating drainage tile.
We ran a test flight with the Mavic 3 Multispectral in August here in OH.
Mavic 3 Multispectral Sample Data
We'll look at a few use cases for this data, starting with the true color camera.
One good case for the RGB, is simply drawing a polygon around the crop, so that it can be used later for spraying with the Agras T40. Because of the RTK capabilities on the M3M, we can expect are polygon to be accurate to within about an inch. Likewise, the T40 also includes an RTK module. By importing the polygon into the flight plan for the T40 we can optimize are flight, so that we are not over or under spraying, as well as avoiding any trees along that may be in play with the T40.
The NDVI map can exaggerate subtle issues that may not be identifiable on the RGB map.