Using NTRIP with Emlid's Reach RS2
What is NTRIP?
NTRIP service providers give us access to their network of base stations in a given region. This simplifies our setup since we don't need a base on site and may cut costs depending on the price of the NTRIP service.
NTRIP Service Provider Requirements
However, if you are considering using NTRIP as your sole base station, make sure that you’re in an area with sufficient NTRIP coverage and they’re sending RTCM3 messages.
NTRIP Service Coverage and Availability
There are many regions that offer NTRIP coverage free of charge, but there are also areas that require paid subscriptions. There are also some areas (specifically more rural areas) that will not have any coverage options at all.

States with free NTRIP services highlighted in green
NTRIP Casters – Emlid Caster
NTRIP Casters facilitate the base/rover communication over the Internet. This can be helpful especially if you’re attempting to connect the RS2 to other brands of receivers. Additionally, this is beneficial because the communication range between the base and rover is only limited to whether or not you have Internet coverage.
If you have an NTRIP Caster you will be casting your own base corrections over the Internet, and your rover will receive those corrections. Both the base and the rover must have access to the Internet.