Start-Up Guide for MicroSurvey FieldGenius for Android

We recommend MicroSurvey FieldGenius for Android to our customers who need a fully featured data collection software to pair with their Emlid Reach receivers: the Emlid Reach RX, RS2+ or RS3. In this article we cover installation and setup, configuration of a network rover, as well as the configuration for a base and rover system. 

Installing and Setting up FieldGenius for Android

  1.  Download the latest version of FGA. Allow installation from your browser if prompted. 
  2. Launch FGA. If you have purchased a license, select Register to fully unlock the software. For demo mode, select OK. You will be limited to 30 points.  
  3. Create a New Project to use as a template. Name the Project, select your Distance Unit, Coordinate System, and vertical datum. Select the dropdown from the Coordinate System to search the list of installable systems. If you are using a State Plane system, make sure to select a Coordinate System from the list that ends in NAD83 (HARN, HARN for GNSS & for GNSS won't work correctly). 
  4. Install the latest GEOID model by selecting Catalog and scroll down to g2018u0 under the United States dropdown which covers the conterminous US. 
  5. Select an Empty Code List or the pre-installed Survey Code List. Then tap Create. You are now ready to setup your Emlid Reach receiver. 

Configuring your Emlid Reach Receiver as a network Rover in FieldGenius for Android

  1. Using Emlid Flow, change the Correction input to Bluetooth. Open Settings and confirm that Bluetooth Discoverability is ON.  
  2. Launch FieldGenius and open a Project. Tap Select instrument and Add Profile. Input Emlid RS3 in the Make and Model dropdown. Give the profile a unique name and tap Create.  
  3. Set Up Communication through Bluetooth and connect to the receiver.  
  4. Set Up Corrections and tap RTK via Internet then Set Up Internet. Use the Data Collector as the internet connection.  
  5. Set Up Data Source. Tap Add New Source and input your NTRIP credentials 
  6. Set Up Antenna Height as the height to the bottom of the receiver since the additional offset will be added automatically.  
  7. Set Up Active Tolerance based on your job requirements. Adjust the presets if necessary. 
  8. Select whether the RS3 will be using Tilt Correction. The Rover is now configured.

Configuring your Emlid Reach Receivers as a Base and Rover for FieldGenius for Android

Configuring the Base

Using Emlid Flow, confirm that your Base is outputting over LoRa and take note of the frequency.   

For repeatability start a New Project and collect a point with your receiver in one of three ways:  

  • Using an averaged single solution point: Do not use corrections, turn off the FIX only setting and begin averaging out the single solution over your desired timing up to 1 hour, we recommend 2 minutes.  
  • Using an averaged fixed solution: Use NTRIP corrections to shoot a point with timing up to 1 hour, we recommend 2 minutes. 
  • Manually enter in a known coordinate and save the point. 
Once the Base point is saved, go into Base settings, and tap Configure. 
Select your Coordinates entry method as Manual, confirm the Antenna height is correct, and then select Choose from project.  
Select the saved point from your project. The Base is now configured.  


Configuring the Receiver

  1. Using Emlid Flow, change the Correction input to LoRa radio, making sure the frequency matches the base’s output frequency. Open Settings and confirm that Bluetooth Discoverability is ON. One of the Position streaming options should be set to Bluetooth 
  2. Launch FieldGenius and open a Project. Tap Select instrument and Add Profile. Input Emlid RS3 in the Make and Model dropdown. Give the profile a unique name and tap Create.  
  3. Set Up Communication through Bluetooth, search for your rover and then connect. 
  4. Click Set Up Corrections and tap No RTK. 
  5. Set Up Antenna Height as the height to the bottom of the receiver since the additional offset will be added automatically.  
  6. Set Up Active Tolerance based on your job requirements. Adjust the presets if necessary.
  7. Select whether the RS3 will be using Tilt Correction. The Rover is now configured. 

MicroSurvey FieldGenius for Android is our most recommended software for use with Emlid Reach GNSS ReceiversThere are a wide range of data collectors that are compatible with the RS3, but only Emlid Flow and FGA can utilize the tilt compensation.