Applications for 3D Laser Scanners

Applications for 3D Laser Scanners

3D laser scanners have many applications across a range of industries, from media and entertainment to advanced reverse engineering projects. 3D scanning technology can be leveraged to streamline workflows, make better decisions, create more compelling stories, and increase revenue. And as the technology develops, new applications will most certainly materialize.

Below are some of the most common applications for 3D laser scanners, as well as some more advanced use cases.


A 3D laser scanner is an excellent tool for documenting spaces in preparation for renovation and restoration projects. 3D scanners are accurate and fast, capturing large buildings and vast spaces in a matter of hours. With a 3D scanner, builders get the data they need to create CAD drawings, BIM models, schematics, and other materials more efficiently.

Facility Management, Space Planning, & BIM

A 3D scanner streamlines the complexities of facility management by scanning large spaces—such as hospitals, campuses, and office complexes—more quickly and with less disruption to daily operations. With a 3D laser scanner, businesses can get better, more accurate floor plans and 3D models of their facilities, which supports more confident decision making regarding process planning and asset location. 

A specific term that falls under this umbrella is building information modeling, or BIM. BIM refers to the practice of creating intelligent models of built assets for planning purposes. A BIM model represents both the physical and functional characteristics of the built asset and is a valuable tool throughout its lifecycle.

Media & Entertainment

Entertainment professionals can take their worldbuilding and storytelling to the next level with a 3D laser scanner. A 3D scanner opens up endless possibilities on set, from capturing difficult shots with confidence to creating complex settings indoors. Additionally, point clouds captured by 3D laser scanners can be leveraged for virtual and augmented reality experiences, transporting users to new worlds.


3D models are incredibly valuable tools for planning underground tunnels and new surface mines. With a 3D laser scanner, mining companies can quickly create an accurate 3D model of cliff walls and terrains and use those models to guide their blasting and demolition strategy.

Real Estate

With a 3D laser scanner, real estate professionals can quickly and easily capture incredible detail on every property and create highly accurate floorplans without having to pay for expensive rendering services. The level of precision afforded by a 3D scanner allows for highly strategic pricing that satisfies both the buyer and the seller.

Stockpile Management

Many companies rely on drones or manual surveying solutions for measuring stockpile volumes, but these techniques aren’t always practical for covered or indoor stockpiles. A 3D scanner is an excellent alternative, allowing companies to capture fast, accurate data points and keep reliable records of stockpile volumes.

Advanced Applications for 3D Laser Scanners

Some industries are using 3D laser scanners for increasingly advanced tasks and processes. One example is reverse engineering and the creation of digital twins. With a 3D scanner, anyone can create an accurate 3D model of any item, from a competitor product to a historical artifact. That model can be transformed into a CAD file for further analysis. The potential applications of 3D scanners for reverse engineering purposes are endless.

3D laser scanners may also be used for machine control. Machine control refers to the practice of using 3D models, generated by 3D scanners and other technology, of terrain to precisely position machinery. This allows operators to accurately guide buckets, blades, and other tools in real time, which boosts accuracy and productivity.

Choosing the right 3D laser scanner

The first step to choosing the right 3D laser scanner is taking inventory of your specific needs, goals, and budget. We created a handy article comparing our two favorites—the Lixel Kity K1 and the Lixel L2 Pro, both from XGRIDS—so you can start thinking about which one is best for you.

To learn more about incorporating a 3D laser scanner into your work, contact us >