Using Pix4D Catch with an Emlid Reach RX Scanning Kit

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This video will give you a first look at configuring Pix4Dcatch to integrate the Emlid Reach RX for cm-level GNSS precision for your scans using the iPhone 14 Pro's LiDAR sensor. The Emlid scanning kit uses the SPC+ mounting standard and is compatible with LiDAR enabled iPhones (12 - 16 Pro and Pro Max). The Professional subscription is required to use the RX with Pix4Dcatch. 

Configuring Corrections 

Before you begin you need to make sure the RX is updated with latest firmware. Launch Pix4Dcatch, tap the drop-down arrow in the GPS window, and select RTK via Bluetooth. Connect your RX then select SPC+ for your Camera Offset. Input your NTRIP provider credentials or your Emlid caster credentials if you are using a base. Once you have your credentials, mount point, and coordinate system set, your fixed solution will populate. 

Capturing Data/Live Preview 

Hit the capture button to begin recording. You will see an augmented reality mesh appear as objects are mapped. Along  with that indication, you will see your point cloud take shape in real time in the preview window. You can toggle the preview perspective from top down to first person view as you collect. You can also toggle the points and image frame indicator on or off in the preview window. You can also view your cloud preview in full screen.  


Once you finish your collection, you can save and name your project. You can also see an overview of the data including your GNSS accuracy and number of images taken. After you’ve saved the Project you can view the data in 3D or look at individual images as well as other details of the project. You can then upload the project directly to Pix4Dcloud for processing. You can determine the output coordinate system when uploading. Alternatively you can export a zip folder with all of the data, the captured point cloud (PLY), or the captured mesh (OBJ) to then pull into the post-processing software of your choice.  

Combining Pix4D and the Emlid Scanning Kit with the Emlid Reach RX gives you a cm accurate mobile terrestrial scanning solution. The integrated Emlid and Pix4D solutions can produce a digital model in minutes with survey-grade accuracy. Scan your assets with your mobile phone, store online, annotate, measure, and share with your stakeholders.