Emlid Reach RX or RS2+ and DJI RTK Connection to Massachusetts NTRIP (MaCORS)
MassDOT MaCORS is a collection of base stations throughout MA that can be accessed for free for Real Time Kinematic corrections. Utilizing the Massachusetts CORS (Continuously Operating Reference Station) network you can receive corrections to your Emlid Reach RX, Reach RS2+, DJI Mavic 3 Enterprise RTK, DJI Mavic 3 Multispectral, Mavic 3 Thermal RTK, Matrice M300 RTK, Matrice 30/30T, Agras T40, Autel Evo Max 4T and Autel Evo II RTK without the need for your own base station on site. It only requires a subscription and internet access in order to receive corrections.
In order to sign up for MaCORS, create an account here.
Subscribe to GNSS Real-Time (RTK) Corrections
Go to Account Details > User Profile and record the NTRIP username and NTRIP password. This will be used in the NTRIP profile.
Entering the NTRIP credentials for your drone or Emlid device will be very similar. We will show an example with Emlid. On the DJI app you will enter the credentials under the RTK settings and Select RTK Service Type Custom Network RTK.
For the Emlid Reach receivers the NTRIP credentials may be entered in Emlid Flow, MicroSurvey FieldGenius, Carlson, or another data collector. In this example we will look at Emlid Flow.
NTRIP corrections require internet access. Make sure your phone/tablet has cell service or is connected to a hotspot. Connect to the Reach receiver over bluetooth, set the Correction Input to NTRIP over Bluetooth. Add the MaCORS credentials in a new NTRIP profile.
NTRIP over BT with RS2 Video Below
NTRIP Corrections for DJI RTK Video Below
The profile name is arbitrary. If the address, port, or mount point changes for any reason, you will be notified by MassDOT. MA offers network mount points. The network uses multiple surrounding base stations to create a virtual base station on site. This is a way to reduce the effect of longer baselines, and requires less physical base stations throughout the state. Emlid receivers require a mount point in RTCM3 format. RTCM3MSM_IMAX is in RTCM3 format and is a full constellation setup, rather than the older mount point which only offered GPS and GLONASS.
Latest Working Address: ma.corsrtk.massdot.state.ma.us